October 02, 2022 4 min read
In a world where everything is more than automated and technology-driven, how can one avoid using plastic and microfibers? So, the question begs to be asked, why avoid plastic in the first place? Well, this might seem obvious and oblivious, but plastic is the most commonly-utilized polluting component humans have been using and manufacturing. In addition, it’s typically created from petroleum, which has its issues. However, the most significant problem with plastic is that, unlike metal, wood, or other natural fabrics, plastic does not react chemically with other substances. As a result, it does not biodegrade.
This implies that every pen cap you discard, dental floss box, and baby toys you have ever utilized still exist. Meanwhile, they will exist for another thousand years if not put into the proper recycling or reuse procedures. Most likely, such items might be scattered in a landfill. More so, these items might have broken down into microplastics and rested on the river bed or in any fish’s belly. You never know!
Clearly, the more humans can alleviate the amount of plastic use in our daily lives, the better it would be for the entire planet. Now comes the how part. Three central stumbling blocks exist to shift this idea from a stunning lofty to a real-life reality. About 50 billion plastic bottles are disposed of yearly, and several nations have already begun to ban such materials due to their debunking and degenerative reality and nature.
Now that adults have integrated a few approaches to tackle such an issue, they can pass it on to their kids to create a better future for them. Remember, creating plastic free children will encourage eco-friendly and sustainable tomorrow.
It may be challenging for little ones to understand its importance and magnitude, but it helps in the long run. Kids should inculcate such habits and know why plastics have a detrimental effect on their lives. In reality, they should create a cleaner plastic free world for themselves to live in.
To begin with, you can teach your kids about plastic by indulging in a few activities to alleviate its use. For instance, refer to some points below.
In totality, one needs to understand the benefits and, more importantly, tips to assist kids in creating a plastic free world.
While packing your kids’ lunch, consider switching to non-disposable alternatives. Know that this is one of the fantastic ways to teach a child to go to zero waste. As a result, instead of utilizing plastic wraps or foils, use reusable containers. This can also save money in the future. You can get these containers for your kids’ sleepovers, picnics, road trips, or even camping, for that matter. It is one of the most significant investments you would be making.
Nearly every toy is wrapped in thick plastic sheets these days. Refusing such toys is a good lesson for your kids. At the same time, you need to teach your children to do the same. Instead of plastic toys, request family members for heirloom gifts and books; if the child is going to a birthday party, ask them not to gift an arty flavor as they are mostly made from plastic. Such a process can be challenging for your child as other kids are indulged and grown around plastic use. But, do not forget the educational investment you’re making in your child through all these learnings.
Later in life, they will be empowered.
Kids love having ice creams in cones or cups these days. Well, this must change if you’re a responsible citizen. To create a plastic free world for the upcoming generations, buy your kids ice cream jars for their upcoming ice-cream parlor visits. Consider getting mason or metal jars with wooden spoons. This is one of the meager lifestyle shifts that can help your kid create a plastic free tomorrow.
From party favors to decors, birthday events comprise several forms and types of plastic use. You can find many convenient and fun ways of throwing a party with no plastic. Here, you could switch to plastic free alternatives. Switch to paper bags instead of plastic bags. Such bags can further be decorated with fiber scraps, colored papers, and drawings. Moreover, you could create a fun plastic free activity out of the entire thing.
Rather than filling party favors with plastic subjects and elements, choose to fill them with colored pencils, homemade play dough, sidewalk chalk, homemade cookies, or natural crayons. Moreover, you can even make customized banners. Isn’t this a plastic free approach you have been waiting to incorporate? Furthermore, use colored biodegradable straws for partyware, silverware, and plastic free cups.
Remember, plastic is harmful to the planet and your kids’ health and well-being. It’s made with hazardous ingredients and chemicals that will affect them and people around in an extended run. As a consequence, it’s ideal for the parents to set an example for a plastic free approach and lifestyle. When a child has taught the habits of creating a plastic free world, it could assist them in building a planet without pollution. So, what do you think about it?